Beth and Louise (artist's interpretation)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Everyone is Going to Get Murdered

Oh boy. Ohhhhhh boy. We are fixin' to have us a murder party here on Breaking Bad. 

Pictured: A Breaking Bad murder party

Everyone, and I mean everyone, on Breaking Bad is now ready to shed blood. And that means blood is going to be shed, in gallons. The questions is just who, by whom, and when. We've always known that Walt was willing to kill, but for the first time he's now ready to do in his own partner, Jesse. Skyler is fine with killing Jesse and doesn't even think it's the worse thing they've done. Hank was happy to let Walt murder Jesse for the videocamera, and, most disconcerting of all, Marie is thinking of doing in Walt herself.

With all these characters suddenly getting pushed to their limits, it's safe to say that with four episodes down and four to go, the trigger has been pulled, the die is in the air, and we're ready for a serious Shakespeare-esque denouement. Marie's scenes in particular seem to be setting us up for a major disaster. She's thinking of using an untraceable poison to off Walt, and since Hank now knows about the ricin cigarette, it's only a matter of time until Marie discovers ricin herself. Maybe we'll get a Hamlet scene where Marie tries to poison Walt, only to accidentally poison Skyler, Walt Jr., or even Holly?

Either way, someone's gonna get Ricined. 

Furthermore, Jesse's announced plans to get Walt "where he really lives." Where is that? Walt's family? It seems a little cold for Jesse to target Walt's wife and kids, especially since he was so horrified that Walt would harm an innocent kid himself. What's more, if Jesse is going to work with Hank (which he doesn't seem particularly keen on, but he may have a lot of options), Hank isn't going to let Jesse set fires, kill women, or steal money. Not yet, at any rate. We'll see what happens to Marie.

The reemergence of loose cannon Todd is also disconcerting. Walt's bringing him on to finish off Jesse, but we already know Todd is pretty casual about collateral damage. The deaths are going to start soon -- probably not next week, but maybe the week after -- and I'm ready to bet that once the heads start rolling, they'll be heard to stop.

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