Beth and Louise (artist's interpretation)

Friday, August 16, 2013

#4: Space Jesus

In a desperate attempt to appease their only fan, Beth and Louise bite the (faster than a speeding) bullet, (man of) steel themselves, and watch 2013's most underwhelming orgy of destruction, Man of Steel.

For more Beth and Louise, follow us on Twitter at @BandLHateMovies or subscribe to the podcast. Give us a rating and leave a comment on iTunes!


  1. Thank you for the insightful critique! This was particularly helpful because now I can see why some of my friends enjoyed the film, though I will still respectfully and vehemently disagree.

  2. Had to stop listening to this podcast. When you were talking about Pa Kent and his speech to Clark I kept thinking to myself "of course she is saying this, she's isn't a father". Maybe if you were you'd feel differently.
